Our Products

If you love fish and want to cook it at home, Lo Pesce offers you all the assurance you need to savor all the pleasure of a seaside dinner, right in your own home!

We select the finest fillets and package them in cutting-edge packaging to guarantee their quality. From tasty and meaty salmon, to the most flavorful cod, to John Dory, delicate and distinctive. Delicious as they are, or prepared with tips from our kitchen.

Refined, tasty, and 100% natural products; good when cooked simply, excellent when following Lo Pesce's advice.

Practical stocks of the finest raw materials: agile and versatile solutions in the kitchen, even in family-sized portions—everything is cleaned, cut, and ready to cook in just a few minutes.

We have chosen the LoPesce line for ready meals: simple and genuine recipes with fish as the main ingredient, carefully designed and tested for you. To have the quality of seafood products in a convenient frozen dish, ready in a matter of minutes. NEW: Now also available in microwaveable single portions.


Siamo un’azienda attiva dal 2009 specializzata nella lavorazione di prodotti ittici di qualità congelati. Acquistiamo le materie prime solo da fornitori attentamente selezionati in tutto il mondo, per prepararle nel nostro stabilimento in Italia.

Selezioniamo accuratamente i nostri fornitori in tutto il mondo per commercializzare in Italia e all’estero. Da sempre siamo attenti alla qualità delle nostre materie prime e alla sostenibilità della pesca e fin dal primo giorno abbiamo cercato di fare dell’innovazione il nostro credo.